Friday, February 8, 2013


This morning I sat down at my laptop and, without thinking, started to build a new blog.

It's a blog name I registered nearly two years ago but didn't do anything with because I was too busy and too afraid of what might happen.

I wasn't ready to birth a new baby, given that my third real baby was just rocketing his way into my world.

It's a blog built for other people - to rant and rave about companies who have pissed them off.

It's a blog that could turn into something really exciting - that could absorb a lot of my time but could also lead to something more worthwhile in my life.

Something bizarre has happened to me recently, psychologically. I finally feel able to handle things, especially a blog like this.

I've come into 2013 at full pelt, brimming full of ideas and trying to carve a life back from the screaming of the kiddies.

I think it's because my kids are getting a bit older - and I don't feel the umbilical chord guilt I felt during their first few years.

I know from talking to other mums, that once you claw back a bit of me-time in the mornings when they're at school, then you yearn to start using your brain again.

You realise that anything can happen when the non-stop nappies and baby grafting are replaced by feelings of 'I wonder what would happen if I tried this...'

Six years ago I left a good job behind in London when I decided to marry an irish man and start a family.

What a wonderful six years it's been, and what abundance there is in having three healthy and vibrant kids.

But it's not everything any more. At last, I feel able to get back to what I used to do before I had children.

Ten years ago in London - I was a tiger. A TIGER! (sorry I had to repeat that for dramatic effect)

I worked as a consumer journalist keeping companies on their toes, should they
treat their customers badly.

Saldy, very little of my work and columns are left on the internet from those days, but I just found this snippet... didn't I look young and fresh?

So the plan is to start again, start something new, build up a new consumer forum for the Irish market and sling the sh*t back at the companies.

Check out my new blog at Consumer Tiger and send me your gripes and grizzles.. It won't work without you, the consumer. Put yourself first.

And put two big strong fingers up to the companies who treat you badly.

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