NEARLY HALF of the food in the world is thrown away uneaten!
USE your common sense - if it smells bad, chuck it. It's if normal, eat it.
A new report from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers says that a third of vegetables are rejected as ugly by supermarkets.
The average UK family spends £480 a year on groceries they never eat - £24,000 worth of food in lifetime.
Seven million tons of food worth £10billion is thrown away every year. Yet £1billion of this is still good to eat.
What a waste.
Now call me tight, but I never throw anything away. Freezing means everything is extended much longer than their sell-by dates and I always miraculously find a recipe that includes everything about to go off in the fridge.
We can't afford to waste food. I'm shocked that so many people do. Apparently it's because they're not able to tell for themselves if the food is good to eat - they can only read a sell-by-date label.
Here are my utterly ground-breaking tips for dunderheads...
USE your common sense - if it smells bad, chuck it. It's if normal, eat it.
STOP throwing good food in the bin.
USE the freezer.
FREEZE leftovers for another day.
GET cute with recipes.
We'll probably never save the planet, nor have enough food to feed the 3billion extra mouths expected to be populating this planet by the end of the century, because the majority doesn't care nor wants to. They live with the blinkers on, oblivious to anyone else in their vacinity. But at least some of us might feel a bit better for trying....
Now if only we can get the supermarkets to stop giving ugly vegetables a bad complex and give non-sold food to charities instead of throwing it away.
Don't know about ugly vegetables cos that really sounds stupid - I mean who ever heard of an attractive vegetable? But we have stopped throwing food away altogether. If it can't be eaten by ourselves(mouldy) we give it to the hens/sisters pig or compost bin which quickly makes it into compost. There's no need to waste any food - just figure out what to do with it...