I've been struck numb and dumb by the death of a friend in the last week.
The lovely Sharon Lane died unexpectedly last Monday night after a seizure, leaving 3 beautiful young kids to grow up without a mum. Our whole community has been in shock, trying to comprehend why something so unthinkable could happen. Why such a wonderful young woman who had boundless energy for life would be cruelly snatched away like that.
She was 39, the same age as me, preparing for her 40th birthday in November, wondering, just like I am when I turn 40 in September, where to escape to - a celebratory holiday having survived the madness of 3 babies.
She was 39, the same age as me, preparing for her 40th birthday in November, wondering, just like I am when I turn 40 in September, where to escape to - a celebratory holiday having survived the madness of 3 babies.
I can't remember her ever moaning about anything - she always had a smile on her face for everyone. And as well as being mum to 3 young kids, she even managed to work; she was a midwife in Cork University Maternity Hospital. That's why it's so very cruel, she was someone who really mattered, who really did something to help others. I see her kids now and my heart truly breaks for them.
I saw her husband on Tuesday with their 3-year-old girl at the toddler group that Sharon would always come to. He said he had to keep doing normal things for the kids, because that's what Sharon would have wanted. I think he's the bravest man I've met in a long time. Especially after he delivered a 10 minute eulogy at her funeral last Thursday, that had us all in tears.
So my blog has slipped out of my priorities - and I've been trying to give more to my kids. Trying to live by Sharon's example and enjoy them more. I've stopped being grumpy with them, and thanks to my new thyroid medication, I've more energy for them so I'm taking them to our new favourite place, Trabolgan, all the time.
It's a holiday centre just 5 minutes drive from here that has a pool and loads of playgrounds, indoor (for our awful weather) and outdoor (for a rare moment of sun this afternoon), and rides and shows for the kids. I think I'm more addicted to it than the kids, because it feels like we're on permanent holiday when we go there. Today we caught the Bob the Builder show, which is great fun, the other day Jago went on the go-carts and then I took 2 of them swimming (never 3, I'd never manage 3 at once in the pool).
So I guess what I'm saying is that life knocks you off balance now and again, but no matter how we're feeling inside, we can always find joy in our children when we least expect it. Because I'm not working nowadays, I'm enjoying just hanging out with my 3 little ones (and other mum friends too) and going to these bright crazy places designed just for them. They'll only be this little for a very short time. It's taken me a long time to get to this place - houray I'm finally enjoying my kids! It's a miracle!
Amy its so true what you're saying and so lovely to hear you saying you're 'finally enjoying your kids'! It was lovely to see your smiling face as we passed eachother on the road today. :-)