Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Everyone is gone
All is quiet
A big smile creeps over my face
I'm sitting here like a Cheshire cat
Looking around the room, just smiling
Smiling, surprised and SMILING
Peace at last
Silence. I love silence
And my own space
No one asking me for anything
No one screaming if I don't jump up straight away
No baby wanting to feed from me and bite me
Just sitting. Relaxing. Typing
No one here. No one about to arrive. 
Morning in my house all to myself
I can hear the birds chirping for the first time
Because there is no noise here to drown them out
What will I do with this rare mummy time off?
I had planned to go food shopping
But I can't be bothered
I need to do laundry as big piles have smothered my bedroom for days
But I can't be bothered
I had planned to run an errand for my hubby
But I can't be bothered.
I'm loving this quiet house
Seeing it for the first time in its spring glory
I know, I'll make myself a cup of herbal tea and sit in the garden 
Soak up the beautiful view that I no longer normally notice
I'll be nice to myself
Wrap myself in the beauty of this introspection
And tune into my core
Check that I'm still there
Do a few repairs to my frazzled nerves
And give a warm hug to my soul
Oh this is just lovely
I'm still here. I feel happiness creeping over me
Hello Me, it's nice to make your acquaintance again
I missed you. You're doing great, well done.
Days like this make it all worthwhile.

My question for the day:  

Why is it that separation is the only thing that makes us appreciate what we have? 
  • Hubby has been away for a few days and I find myself missing him, even though we're like old odd socks these days that get on each others nerves when he's around the house during the day, invading my space and cramping my social life.
  • Suddenly I miss my kids and they've only been gone half an hour. No, thought be gone, this is my time, go get that cup of tea Amy and take a few breaths outside!


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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful.
    And I feel the same, I can appreciate my kids so much better when they are not here. There is just too much going on when they are there to sit back and enjoy. I do find though, that surprisingly soon I will miss them. A weekend away is great. A week? Too much.


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